You should be so lucky to have bug-eating frogs hanging tight on the vertical wall next to your home's porch light.
Miller moths are essential for the reproduction of plants, including crops that contribute billions of dollars to economies ...
Have you ever been personally attacked by moths who destroyed your favorite sweaters? Here are a professional organizer's top ...
"Another control tactic is wrapping burlap around the trunks of trees where spongy moth larvae can hide during the day. The ...
WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. — The little black insects are all over parts of central Pennsylvania. Spongy moths, formerly known as gypsy moths, recently hatched and are looking for leaves to feed on.
“If you know it’s browntail moths there are a couple of over the counter things that you can grab. Things like hydrocortisone ...
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids are as bitter and toxic as they are hard to pronounce. They're produced by several different types of ...
Bella moths (Utetheisa ornatrix) have uniquely adapted to not only consume these substances but also utilize them as a ...
Spongy moths, formerly known as gypsy moths, are all over parts of central Pennsylvania. They recently hatched and are ...
Growing out patches of grass can lure adult butterflies and moths with nectar and offer lawn mower–free havens for toddler caterpillars.
Since the dawn of science, researchers have wondered about moths' tendency to fling themselves at light sources.
The spongy moth caterpillars have arrived and some people are experiencing allergic reactions that have them itching for ...