Not everyone gets Botox purely for aesthetic reasons. “I do a lot of Botox for hyperhidrosis, which is excessive sweating,” ...
If a seal or sea lion starts to stare, fidget, or flee, it's a sure sign that you're too close. NOAA Fisheries advises ...
Add this to the list of creepy crawly things we hope to never encounter: There is an invasive species of worm that calls ...
The Environmental Protection Agency’s new rules will compel coal and new natural gas power plants to either cut or capture 90% of their climate pollution by 2032. The rules are expected to reduce the ...
The $3 billion announcement is the latest step in the Biden administration’s effort to replace all lead service lines by the ...
"Most large varanids or monitor lizards that prey on venomous snakes have inherited neurotoxin resistance," researcher Bryan ...
The toxic and invasive pests, which originate from Southeast Asia, have long been spotted across the United States and around ...
The samples found by the EPA investigators were not only high in cadmium, but also 20 times the allowable limit for lead, a ...
Regarding trust-building, the public wants to "see how the sausage is made" much more than the government appreciates.
It burns gas and coal. That creates power, and it creates a lot of pollution, including climate-changing carbon dioxide, the ...
An ongoing process to replace lead water pipes in Washington, D.C., reveals several warning signs for the Baltimore area.