Square Enix will "aggressively pursue a multiplatform strategy that includes Nintendo platforms, PlayStation, Xbox, and PCs" ...
Furukawa thought there would be "enough" next-gen Switch consoles available for the world to purchase once it is released by ...
Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa indicated that there should be a healthy supply of Switch 2 units whenever the console ...
In a seismic shift within the gaming and social media spheres, all three major video game console giants have announced the ...
Twitter says it still has a strong partnership with Nintendo despite the upcoming disabling of the Switch feature that allows ...
While Nintendo always dominated the console market, they struggled when they released the Nintendo Wii U back in 2012. The ...
With the Switch 2 on the horizon, you might be looking to sell your current Switch to make room for an upgrade. Here's what ...
Nintendo was the last of the big three console makers to drop Twitter support. Microsoft made the move for Xbox consoles in ...
In the face of an increasingly digital industry, Nintendo confirms it intends to continue support for physical video game ...
Fixit might be a familiar brand name for you from all of the helpful teardown videos of various electronics that they host on ...
The Nintendo Switch doesn't natively allow you to stream your gameplay to Twitch, but with the help of a handy capture card, ...
After Sony and Microsoft announced that they would be removing Twitter (or X, if you prefer) integration from their consoles, ...