These common ornamental plants might be pretty additions to your home landscaping, but they are invasive — nonnative plants that can aggressively spread into the natural environment and harm other ...
According to the U.S. Geological Survey, an invasive species is an introduced, nonnative organism, such as a disease, ...
The program is part of a greater effort to restore populations of the native, endangered fish in the Colorado River Basin.
As California pumps water south, an elaborate operation focuses on rescuing fish. Lately, more fish have been arriving, ...
The United States, besieged by invasive species, is hoping we can hunt — and eat — our way out of the ecological problem.
Cutthroat have steadily rebounded in the lake following the Park Service’s nearly two decades of lake trout gillnetting, with ...
A python expert at the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission is answering our questions about the invasive species. What are ...
The wildlife television star hosts a fishing tournament in the Everglades that targets invasive fish that are both ...
Nearly half of water used in cities and towns goes to water lawns, many of which are planted with nonnative grass, experts have said. “Water-wise landscaping conserves our precious water ...
The opening of a commercial fishery for lake trout received very little support from counties outside of the County of Door ...
Though nonnative, daffodils can provide early food sources for pollinators such as bumblebees, Larose said. (See related ...
Curious how to nurture the pollinator population? Local bee experts say its as simple as snapping photos on a smartphone.