The best rummage sale purchase I ever made was a piece of hardware that used Reverse Polish Notation. I know what you’re thinking… RPN sounds like a sales gimmick and I got taken for a fool.
There’s a new game of Strands to play every day. The game will present you with a six by eight grid of letters. The aim is to ...
How many of us have an everyday tool that’s truly unique? Likely not many of us; take a look around your desk and turn out your pockets, but more often than not, what you’ll find is that ...
The oldest song to have survived in its entirety is a first-century A.D. Greek tune known as the “Seikilos Epitaph.” ...
The Illinois legislature is considering a bill that would prohibit Biometric Information Privacy Act (Privacy Act or BIPA) ...
What a weird slate we have tonight; only six games, a 7:40 p.m. start time, and just two games (including the chalkiest of ...
The optional Porsche InnoDrive hands-on driver assist system has been improved with lane keeping and intersection assist.
The other new feature is called “Math Notes,” which AppleInsider says is “support for displaying proper mathematic notation.” It could integrate with the iOS Calculator app, but the ...
The Proficiency in Italian Transcript Notation explicitly recognizes students who have demonstrated at least an Intermediate-High level of language proficiency and cultural understanding in Italian.
Greek shipping company Carras (Hellas) has received the ABS Biofuel-1 notation for its Aquataurus ultramax bulk carrier, the ...
If you are a graduate student, please also see Dates and Deadlines for grad students, as some deadlines may be different. In addition to the four-month Summer term (May-August), SFU also offers a ...