San Onofre is now a nuclear waste dump for the foreseeable future. This waste is so radioactive that it requires remote ...
Joshua Jordan, an engineer in Texas, builds emergency bunkers for wealthy clients who are nervous about a nuclear disaster.
These four women are all under 30, and they've got the vision and skills to steer the US toward embracing the clean energy revolution.
The nice thing about nuclear is that it’s a fairly versatile energy source. It can give you heat if you want heat. It can ...
Robert O'Brien was recently appointed as the Director of the Center for Space Nuclear Research with the Universities Space Research Association.
A new nuclear reactor reached commercial operation in Georgia on Monday, completing a project whose delays and sticker shock ...
The state's climate law mandates that it reach 70 percent renewable sources for the electrical grid by 2030. Nuclear energy ...
A Purdue University-led team was selected by the Indiana Office of Energy Development as the successful respondent to a ...
U.S. nuclear industry is closely watching Palisades, amid a surge of investments as demand climbs for low-carbon sources of ...
The Georgia reactors came online Monday — seven years late at a cost of $35 billion, more than double the initial $14 billion ...
Readers discuss an Opinion guest essay calling that a fantasy. Also: Quality at Boeing; a toilet sign; running, fast and slow.
Power retailer Manila Electric Co., in partnership with US-based Ultra Safe Nuclear Corp. (USNC), plans to proceed with the ...