Stephanie Ronan is an internal decapitation survivor. She volunteers with MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving), and uses her ...
Positioned at the rear of the cerebral cortex, the occipital lobes are the main centres for visual processing, such as the interpretation of colour, shape and distance. Located within the ...
The most important thing to consider when buying a new bike helmet is fit—the helmet needs to stay on your head to protect ...
This study was published in September in the Journal of Craniovertebral Junction & Spine (JCJS) and is titled “Unilateral atlanto-occipital injury: A case series and detailed radiographic description” ...
Its official medical name is atlanto-occipital dislocation, but it's also called internal decapitation. That was the main injury, but I also tore both of my carotid arteries and both of my ...
These episodes can occur multiple times a day. This rare headache disorder involves the occipital nerves. These two pairs of nerves start near the second and third bones at the top of the spine.
Recent learning can be strengthened while we are asleep, but dreaming may also remove memory clutter by helping to unlearn ...
As any new parent knows, babies’ heads are notoriously soft when they’re born. This is due to gaps between the large bones of ...
Lidocaine injections into the greater occipital nerve relieve severe, refractory migraine attacks in children, results of a ...
HEARTBURN drugs could increase your risk of agonising migraines, a study shows. People who take acid reflux meds are more ...
I survived an internal decapitation from a horrific motorcycle crash that I'm still coming to terms with.
Peripheral nerve decompression, or trigger point deactivation surgery, has become an established treatment for chronic migraine headaches and some neuralgias, like occipital neuralgia. Migraine ...