Adverse perinatal outcomes associated with oligohydramnios are: umbilical cord compression; uteroplacental insufficiency, which is related to fetal growth restriction, pre-eclampsia, and other ...
After being admitted, she was "diagnosed with premature rupture of membranes and severe oligohydramnios." This means that her water had broken ahead of time and she had low levels of amniotic fluid.
When she was first admitted to the Labor and Delivery Department at St. Joseph’s Hospital on September 19, “She was diagnosed with premature rupture of membranes and severe oligohydramnios ...
Use lowest effective dose for shortest duration. Indomethacin Suppositories are not for oral or intravaginal use. Indomethacin Suppositories can be substituted for indomethacin capsules; however ...
Indomethacin 75mg; ext-rel caps. Use lowest effective dose for shortest duration. Initially 75mg once daily; may increase to 75mg twice daily if tolerated; max 150mg/day. Indomethacin ER capsule ...
The Office of Health Strategy needs better resources to investigate when hospital systems want to cut services to rural areas.
J Midwifery Womens Health. 2007;52(1):73-76. In the case presented here, the woman had isolated oligohydramnios at 41 weeks' gestation with no other risk indications or risk factors for maternal ...