Bazinga! Jim Parsons and Mayim Bialik will reprise their roles as The Big Bang Theory's Sheldon Cooper and Amy Farrah ...
Titled “Men Are From QC, Women Are From Alabang,” it can be taken as proof of the continued interest in their tandem even ...
From silent film star Tom Mix to Amy Fleming on “Heartland” (not to mention Mr. Darcys from Laurence Olivier to Matthew Macfadyen), actors have been galloping across the silver screen since ...
From Audrey Hepburn’s Sister Luke to Andrew Scott's Hot Priest, these are the most memorable priests, nuns and monks on ...
As programme makers it’s important we reflect this onscreen and see it as a creative opportunity to connect with audiences about a subject they really care about which is relevant to their lives.
My Adventures with Superman is back later this month, and it's looking set to introduce a couple of classic comic characters.
Lali Sokolow kept a secret for 60 years before his story of love and survival in a Nazi death camp was captured in The ...
But the subject of sex is being judged again—this time in Hollywood circles. Recently film-makers, critics and viewers have been debating the lack of sex on screen. Some feel that Hollywood has ...
In 2010, someone in that delightfully fantastical realm known as Hollywood, decided they were going to make a movie based on ...
For many great artists, the garden has long been considered a desirable subject for expressing colour, light, and atmosphere.
Excitement was in the air on the BH Entertainment YouTube channel when they featured the beloved actress Han Hyo-joo in a ...