The writer of a new book about life on Earth seen through the prism of the egg says the age-old paradox actually leads us ...
Scientists have found evidence that male alpacas have sex by thrusting their penises all the way up the female’s uterus—a ...
Alpaca mating involves the penis entering the uterus – something that was suspected but not confirmed until now.
This odd marking is a sign that two eggs have passed through the hen's oviducts into the shell gland pouch (where the shell ...
Being the Queen During the mating flight several drones will deposit upwards of 90 million sperm in the queen's oviducts. The queen, however, will not use all the sperm. She stores about seven ...
Some Osedax males live on the outside of the female's tubes, fertilising eggs as they are released,' says Adrian. 'The oviducts release lots of eggs into the water column which hatch into larvae. They ...
For example, in humans, only a few cell types have motile cilia, namely sperm, epithelia cells in the bronchi and oviducts, and ependymal cells that line brain vesicles. But virtually all other ...
John Farrant, who has died aged 85, was the long-serving editor of Poultry World who battled to save egg farmers from ...
Virtually 100% reliable. Difficult or impossible to reverse. Does not protect against STIs Female sterilisation Oviducts are cut preventing fertilisation occurring. Virtually 100% reliable.
At the time, laparoscopy and dye infusion had demonstrated multiple, small ovarian cysts with patent oviducts. A diagnosis of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) was made. Attempts at ovulation ...