The coelacanth is ovoviviparous, meaning that eggs are fertilized internally and are retained in the mother's oviduct so that the young are born alive. Pups—26 were found in one mother—develop ...
As white sharks make their presence known off the coast of Atlantic Canada, researchers and locals want to know: should people be worried?
Like its cousin, the whale shark, megamouth sharks are ovoviviparous, giving birth to their young. The scientists claim the pup found alongside the megamouth shark could have been recently born.
BREEDING: Little is known about the reproductive behavior of sawfish. They are believed to be ovoviviparous, meaning that they produce eggs that are hatched within the body. Litter sizes are likely 10 ...
Most reptiles lay eggs, but slow worms are ovoviviparous, meaning the eggs hatch while they're still in the female's body. She later gives birth to the hatchlings, which are usually little more than ...
Negative buoyancy allows whale sharks to glide down to deeper water without using much energy. Whale sharks are ovoviviparous, which means the eggs hatch inside the female's body and the young are ...