Kidney stones might develop if you have a lot of concentrated minerals in your urine. Will calciuim-rich foods like cheese affect your risk of kidney stones?
Is a carnivore diet really healthy? A new video separates the truth from the myths, and outlined the health risks associated ...
"The insoluble oxalates can form crystals associated with kidney stones,” says Trout. According to researchers at Colorado ...
The winding, ivy-like golden pothos is another poisonous plant for dogs, and this one contains insoluble calcium oxalates—glass-like crystals that can cause severe discomfort when eaten.
Chaga mushrooms, often used in mushroom coffee, are high in oxalates, which can bind to minerals in the body and form kidney ...
Unfortunately, it’s a no-go if you have a cat because it contains insoluble calcium oxalates that cause kidney failure, notes the ASPCA. Almost every home has garlic in it at one point or another.
We all know about the health benefits of consuming beetroot Read on to know about the health benefits of beetroot leaves nbsp ...
Cabbage is rich in antioxidants and is low in calories but it does have some demerits too Read on to find out its benefits and side effects ...
This year could be another dry one and cattle producers may have to consider management options. This includes whether herd ...
Although papaya is generally known for aiding digestion, in some people, especially those with a sensitive stomach, it can ...
Spinach is high in oxalates, which can interfere with the body's ability to absorb minerals, Roberts said. Spinach actually has a lot of calcium, he said, but oxalates bind to that in the intestines.
A 46-year-old ayurvedic doctor from Niphad donated his organs to five recipients, providing a new lease of life. The organs ...