No matter your stance on the level of personality a guest bedroom should have, the perfect place to start is with your paint color. We’ve perused the trends and have a few suggestions for ideal ...
If a remodel isn't in the budget, then paint your cabinets instead. Below, we share our favorite before and after photos of ...
One of the best ways to add that style is through wall paint, so keep reading to explore 20 of our favorite wall paint ideas.
not ideal for some applications Not great for painting rooms or other large areas Boasting a 20-foot-long flexible hose, this 11.2-pound, 110-volt, air-driven electric sprayer unleashes a high ...
It comes as no surprise that this superheated political and cultural climate was reflected in the work of many young artists who defied traditional conceptions of what a painting could be, rejecting ...
A fresh coat of exterior paint can revitalize a home’s look. Regular painting is also a necessary component of every home maintenance schedule. Painting an entire house is a highly worthwhile ...
When Eric Suwall and Robert Thomas began purchasing contemporary artwork several years ago, they didn’t anticipate ...
Microsoft Paint was one of the first creative outlets for many children when they first laid hands on a computer in the 1990s. Now, [Volos Projects] has brought the joy of this simple application ...
After completing a big painting project, you may be tempted to put your feet up and leave the cleanup until later. You’ll be much better off, however, if you take the time immediately after ...
“We have fought to hold these companies accountable for nearly 20 years, and will finally have needed funds to devote to protecting our children from lead poisoning.” Santa Clara County sued in 2000, ...
He was consumed with abstract painting and determined to keep it alive even when it became an unpopular cause among younger artists. By Deborah Solomon The Shed welcomes an international survey ...