Did you notice that today's date 4/24/24 reads the same forward and backward? That's because the month of April features 11 ...
(CBS DETROIT) - We're in the middle of a 10-day stretch of palindrome dates. What is a palindrome? It is a word, phrase, or ...
This year's 4/20 festivities will fall on a rare calendar event known as a palindrome. The calendar date April 20, 2024, or ...
The last time the dates fell into this format was in March of 2023. The next round will happen in May of 2025.
Saturday is April 20, 2024, or when you put it in all numbers, 4/20/24, which is a palindrome. The following day is 4/21/24 – ...
Did you know Wednesday’s date is a palindrome? Just look at the numbers: 4-24-24. Now try reading backward. It is still 4-2-4 ...
After releasing its first non-palindrome album 'Aiboh' last week, Dopapod completed its two-album prank with 'Phobia'.
A palindrome is a sequence of characters that reads the same forwards and backwards, such as "level" or "121".
Did you know today’s date is a palindrome? Just look at the date: 4-24-24. Now try reading backwards. It is still 4-2-4-2-4.
Today's date is 4-24-24. Today's date in reverse is 4-24-24. Yes, you are currently in the midst of a palindrome week! A palindrome is a word, verse, sentence or number that reads the same ...