A study led by Professors Hongtae Kim and JaYil Lee from the Department of Biological Sciences, in collaboration with ...
Pathogenesis –- literally how disease (pathos) begins (genesis) or develops –- is a broad, important area of research encompassing both basic and clinical sciences. Disease can arise from ...
The likely pathogenesis of acute colonic ileus involves an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system, characterized by a decrease in parasympathetic stimulation combined with a relative increase ...
The pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes ordinarily involves the development of insulin resistance associated with compensatory hyperinsulinemia, followed by progressive beta-cell impairment that ...
A review in Nature Reviews Nephrology presents the association between immune cells and the development of hypertension, ...
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a group of neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by early abnormal social ...
While heavy drinking is a well-established risk factor for liver cancer, the specific mechanisms by which alcohol contributes to A-HCC remain unclear.
The results do not indicate that the virus found in milk is currently infectious, as the pasteurization process works to ...
Yale researchers say that nasal application of neomycin shows promise in the prevention and treatment of respiratory viral ...
Post-mitotic neurons in the brain that re-enter the cell cycle quickly succumb to senescence, and this re-entry is more ...
AI and machine learning techniques can be used to speed up the discovery of new drug candidates for serious diseases like ...