IN THE most recent instalment of our series of weird and wonderful facts about your body, we were at the top end of the ...
Mother and baby brand Frida wants customers to have an uncensored view of how to use its pregnancy and postpartum care ...
His penis was erect when he pushed against his partner’s perineum. If you are a woman, the perineum is the area between your anus (not the planet but the body part) and your vulva. Now pushing ...
A buried penis is a condition in which a man’s penis becomes hidden inside folds of skin or fat,’ Dr Patel reiterates. ‘Some ...
I gave birth to my first child five months ago and my perineum was torn in the process. My second-degree tear had to be ...
The least invasive kind involves only the skin from the vagina and the perineum — the area between a woman’s vagina and anus.
“You might want to insert it,” she says, “but that’s not the idea.” The device is a perineum massager, designed to help those who are pregnant gently stretch the area between the vagina ...
Tearing, for example, can occur in several areas, including on the perineum (the area between the vaginal opening and the anus), within the vagina, near the urethra (where urine comes out), or on the ...
If your vaginal ulcers come from a viral infection, your dotor will likely prescribe an antiviral medication like ...
Opening up about their below-the-belt health is not a conversation every man wants to have with his doctor, let alone his ...
As the weather cools down, it's time to cosy up and give yourself a little self care. Masturbation releases endorphins which ...
“Different telly show, same old ableism. Thanks for the support, but I’m gonna lie low for a bit and sink into the perineum ...