Evangelical and Bible-believing Christians know full well that Jesus saved his harshest words of condemnation for the religious leaders, especially the Pharisees. They were not the good guys, in other ...
It's in this context that the Pharisaic movement would become the new dominant force for the reconstruction of Jewish life and thought in the period after the first revolt. From the early ...
of the Pharisaic or rabbinic school; the absolute separation which came to be drawn between this school and those other survivors of the first-century Holocaust, the Christians: this is an "end ...
The sober sages who were conducting the retrenchment of Judaism, preserving the ancient traditions along Pharisaic lines, truly had no need of the spiritual enthusiasm, messianism, sectarianism, and ...
Josephus himself grew up in and around Jerusalem; he claims to have been a part of the Pharisaic group. But he was also obviously from a fairly prominent family. He's very important because he ...
Prof. Frederick Murphy, a professor in the Department of Religious Studies at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA, is the 2004-2005 Joseph Visiting Professor at Boston College. The Joseph ...
Protestants, following the tradition of the Pharisaic Jews, accept the shorter Hebrew Canon, even though the Jews also reject the NT Books. The main problem is that the Bible does not define itself.
No wonder the ordinary people flowed towards Jesus to the anguish of the Pharisaic leadership.
Naď, the leader of the non-parliamentary Demokrati party, claims that this is another case of a pharisaic approach by the presidential candidate. “Peter Pellegrini frequently mentions sovereignty.