Obando and his wife tracked the car until the Airtag froze, but it picked up again in the afternoon when they spotted it by a ...
Long Beach resident Philip Obando was able to recover his stolen car after hiding an Apple Airtag in his trunk as a ...
Another stolen car has been recovered thanks to a hidden AirTag, this time in California. Speaking to NBC News, ...
A man in California was able to use an Apple AirTag and dash cam footage to recover his stolen BMW, though we don't advise ...
The owner of a stolen car recovered it after a few hours thanks to location information shared by an AirTag; the vehicle also ...
Philip Obando tucked the tag in the trunk of his BMW just in case the car was ever stolen. Last week, it was stolen.
Philip Obando said he walked out of his house and noticed his car was gone, so he immediately called police. When he jumped onto his phone's Airtag app to track the car, he noticed it was only a ...