Researchers used artificial intelligence to spot patterns in recordings of the marine mammals' vocalizations, uncovering the ...
Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology analyzed the codas of approximately 60 sperm whales.
The various species of whales inhabiting Earth's oceans employ different types of vocalizations to communicate. Sperm whales, ...
In a study published on May 7 in the journal Nature Communications, researchers analyzed more than 8,700 snippets of sperm ...
Cetaceans have long been famous for their communication abilities, from the impressive clicks and whistles of dolphins to the ...
While scientists still don't know exactly what those clicks mean, they have detected a "phonetic alphabet" the whales use to ...
Scientists have uncovered the building blocks of the sperm whale language — a leap towards understanding the intelligent ...
Scientists studying sperm whales in the Caribbean say their calls are so complex, they are comparable to the human language.
Project CETIThis is what it sounds like when sperm whales communicate. Those bursts of clicking noises are called codas. It's sounds a bit like Morse code. New research has found their system of ...
Researchers studying the different variations of clicks and how they’re combined with each other have created something ...
The allure of whales has stoked human consciousness for millennia, casting these ocean giants as enigmatic residents of the deep seas. From the biblical Leviathan to Herman Melville's formidable Moby ...
The scientists identified 143 regularly used combinations of all the variables that they believe form a 'sperm whale phonetic ...