The United States has vehemently accused Russia of using chemical weapons recently against Ukraine in violation of the ...
The agent has an irritating effect and shares many of the characteristics of a tear gas, but when heated, it can decompose and release toxic gases, including phosgene. Mr Pakhomov claimed that 500 ...
Along with the Big Guns, WWI also marked the introduction of large-scale gas warfare, using shells filled with bromine, chlorine, phosgene and later, the particularly nasty mustard gas.
But the approach was hard to make work and never very effective. Of course, the first world war is now better known for the ...
En 2020, la Suède se classe au 8e rang des pays les plus écologiques (Danemark 1er, France 7e, Belgique 15e) selon l’indice de performance environnementale (IPE) calculé tous les 2 ans par l ...