A fusion device ensconced in highly durable tungsten sustained a more energetic, denser plasma than previously recorded.
An international team of researchers led by astronomers from Leiden University (Netherlands) has produced the first sharp ...
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) measured a new record for a fusion device internally clad in tungsten, the element ...
"Compelling innovation economics are vital to launching a commercial fusion product on a timescale that matters." Scientists ...
Nuclear fusion may be a step closer after a radical new reactor design shaped like a twisted doughnut was unveiled by a task ...
Now a paper suggests the phenomena are in fact plasmas, or ionised gases, which are drawn to the electrical charge of aircraft, spacecraft and satellites. Experts from the universities of ...
Magnetically confined plasmas are those plasmas that are trapped using magnetic fields. Magnetic fields can prevent high-temperature plasma coming into contact with solid materials that it could ...
A new study documents record-breaking electron temperatures in a compact, sheared-flow-stabilized Z-pinch fusion device. In ...
Quantum plasmas are common not only in astrophysical environments 2, such as the interiors of superdense white dwarfs and Jupiter, neutron stars and magnetars, but they are also producible in the ...
The breakthrough would enable denser and better-confined plasma, which is crucial to making fusion energy on a commercial ...
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine are private, nonprofit institutions that provide expert advice on some of the most pressing challenges facing the nation and world. Our ...
His seminar, entitled “An Overview of Staircases in Confined Magnetized Plasmas”, will be given in person in BLKT 741 – see ...