A 33-year-old homeless man was arrested after attempting to steal a binder of Pokémon cards valued at $30,000 and threatening a store<a class="excerpt-read-more" href=" More ...
In her defense, the tag totally wasn’t that noticeable against the paisley print of the fabric. "We tried to pry it off with ...
Whatever you’re doing with your hand tools, by the US Army’s lights, you’re probably doing it wrong. That seems to be the “Green Machine’s” attitude on pliers ...
High quality tools and supplies from Irwin are on sale right now from Amazon, for all your home improvement and DIY projects.
Jenna Bush Hager pointed out a security tag on her co-host Hoda Kotb's pants on 'Today with Hoda and Jenna' on Monday, May 6.
HOLLY LeGresley is a British woman who goes by the grisly nickname “The Immolator” because of her depraved secret online life. She was a moderator in an animal torture group where ...
A man who had his truck stolen from a Raleigh shopping center Sunday said he was able to trail the vehicle for several miles ...
Reevaluate your tool collection by nixing tools that clutter your garage more than they help, including outdated, dangerous, ...
A multi-tool can be the difference between walking home and riding home! Learn how I stay safe and prepared on the trail with ...
Imagine you throw a heavy load of laundry in the washer, and it's unbalanced. Fix this in five minutes with a level, pliers, ...
The 4C (or sometimes 4E) error code dictates that there's a potential issue with the washer's water supply and it's not ...
A BRIT known as The Immolator has admitted to her role in a monkey torture ring where fiends pay for the animals to be killed for sexual kicks. Self-proclaimed animal lover Holly LeGresley, 37, ...