isn't why people behave badly but how people behave badly and fail to have even the slightest self-awareness of their own actions and the poorness of their form, even when they are clear and ...
Well, originally the effect of this widespread offering of discount tickets and the reconfiguration of planes, the poorness of the service spilled over to people who were paying full fares.
Mac's awkward stuttering when coming up with an excuse for his poorness is a hilarious indicator that he can't take any responsibility for his problems. In an attempt to figure out who amongst the ...
Technical simplicity may produce, instead of effects of tension and power, effects of bleakness and poorness. What impresses us most strongly in Yeats's late work is that here a whole personality ...
Of course, the technology is different but the poorness, the unhealthiness, is as bad as four hundred years ago. We have a lot of children working in the mines. Many of the miners don't live more ...
This is one of the tragicomic films of Kemal Sunal who is most seriouscomic artist of the Turkish cinema This film also reflects socioeconomic and cultural life of the 70s80s Turkiye The film ...