Although a few mangled corpses float in the water — another illuminator who drew the same scene more priggishly left those out altogether — this is combat as the artist wanted us to see it, without ...
There was something we had in common. “What have you got hold of?” he would say, looking over my shoulder at the book I was reading; and how proud, priggishly, I was, if he gave his little amused ...
When Gerald learns the truth, he priggishly demands that Dad does the right thing by Mum and marries her. The emotional extremes of the story are buttressed by scintillating high society chatter ...
There is the honest, talented writer who has never published a serious book, but priggishly signs his detective stories with a nom de plume. He winds up cadging drinks, clowning out parody first ...
Dr Cunliffe said: "He priggishly wittered on about hypocritical liberal bishops deviously trying to change Anglican policy on sexual ethics by appointing a gay bishop and suggested Canon John had been ...
the priggishly high-minded but lethal reviewer of German-language literature; the devoted but delusional presenter of Nordic letters. A final section focuses on thirteen poems or poem clusters ...