If you're an iPhone owner you're probably very familiar with the dramatic jump in brightness that occurs in apps such as ...
Governments and critical industries have been warned of possible disruptions, and issue a rare severe geomagnetic storm watch ...
Led by zoologist Kai Caspar from Heinrich Heine University in Germany, the new study found that the brain size measurements ...
Medieval residents of Winchester, England, probably got their leprosy from red squirrels in the area, according to a team of ...
“Despite making varsity as a sophomore, you'll realize that there's a whole other level beyond your kid. This realization ...
When the possible discovery of dimethyl sulphide on an exoplanet was announced, there was great excitement. Now a research ...
At the time of writing this, I am 22 years old and I haven’t had penetrative sex in two years. It seems that the recurrent ...
Today the interesting news will be the minutes of the last ECB policy meeting. Expectations are still running high that the ...
This realization will probably occur when walking by a convention center court that you think must be the 18s championship only to realize that they are also U-15s. If you're smart, you'll settle ...
The jury is still out on whether tornadoes and hurricanes will similarly become more frequent. They might even happen less ...