A Florida woman’s serious pneumonia that landed her in the hospital turned out to have a very strange culprit: deer meat ...
How well bees tolerate temperature extremes could determine their ability to persist in a changing climate. But heat ...
Our Guest Editor, Dr Carolina De Marco Verissimo from the University of Galway, Ireland, will consider all aspects of Zoonotic diseases caused by helminth and protozoan parasites, including parasite ...
Another problem occurs in mild weather areas where tropical milkweed survives the winters. Monarchs that visit the plants deposit a protozoan parasite called Ophryocystis elektroscirrha (“OE”) on the ...
It is an infectious disease caused by a protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. The disease has been named after Brazilian physician Carlos Chagas, who discovered it in 1909. Chagas Disease is ...
Analysis - Until three years ago nobody had developed a vaccine against any parasitic disease. Now there are two against ...
Open border, budget cuts, and mosquitoes moving to higher altitudes due to climate change pose major challenges.
Until three years ago nobody had developed a vaccine against any parasitic disease. Now there are two against malaria: the RTS,S and the R21 vaccines. Adrian Hill, director of the Jenner Institute at ...
Homo sapiens first evolved in Africa about 315,000 years ago. Malaria is not a virus and nor is it a bacterium. It's a ...
University of Idaho Extension’s popular virtual discussion series about Idaho agriculture, called Ag Talk Tuesday, will ...
Common pet fish diseases come from poor water quality, stress, overcrowding, and not isolating new or ill fish to stop disease spread. However, you can minimize these factors with proper care and good ...
Texas Parks and Wildlife describes Trichomoniasis as an “infectious disease affecting birds caused by a protozoan ...