“Pterygium is far more common and has far more impact on patients—than implied by the casual name, ‘surfer’s eye.’ Chronic symptoms can impose a daily burden on people grappling with the ...
Professor Taylor had also carried out work on sunlight and eye disease in Australia which showed that indigenous Australians ...
It can then grow into a pterygium, a fleshy growth containing blood vessels. The growths are caused by exposure to outdoor ...
Multiple pterygium syndrome is a relatively rare disorder characterized by pterygia of the neck, axilla, digits, antecubital, popliteal and intercrural areas. Affected individuals may also have ...
Most of us are aware that certain diseases or injuries can lead to vision loss but not realize that everyday behaviors can also harm our sight.
Dr. Ho's previous columns: Bet you didn't know this: The eyes can often show signs of a sexually transmitted disease Seeing spots: If you notice a spot on your eye, see a doctor immediately Pinguecula ...
“Sunglasses don’t protect your eyes, they actually do the opposite,” he cautions his followers. In the post, he continues to ...
The Amsler grid is a good test for people with Macular Degeneration. The Amsler grid tests the condition of the center of the retina or "macula" ...
David Umahi Federal University Teaching hospital, Ebonyi State has received assurance of federal government 39;s support ...