Could it be an infected hangnail? Hangnails may be tiny, but they can be surprisingly painful — especially if you end up with ...
Amou Haji earned himself the title of the ‘world’s dirtiest man’ after going 60 years without washing himself before his ...
Amou Haji made it through six decades without washing himself amid fears that soap and water would make him sick before he passed away in October 2022.
But it was a sign of how dif­fi­cult it has been for the Re­pub­li­can Party to bal­ance its base’s de­mand for abor­tion ...
Dr Peninah Musyoka, a paediatrician at Machakos Children’s Clinic, says most babies begin teething from the age of 4-6 months after birth, where you can see white tissue on the baby’s gum which should ...
A colectomy is a type of surgery that removes part or all of the colon. The colon is part of the large intestine that ...
A MAN suffered multiple organ failure and narrowly escaped death after being stung by a giant honey bee. Though the ...
But be careful not to apply them to exposed skin. Some insect bites cause swelling and lead to pus formation After insect bites, use an antihistamine cream to reduce swelling in the affected area. You ...