While tansy ragwort belongs to the same family as the common daisy (Asteraceae) and even looks very similar, this European-born invasive species must be removed, especially if animals or livestock ...
These vibrant orange perennials for shade give pollinators a nectar source and create a beautiful and inviting environment.
RAGWORT HAS always been a curse of livestock farmers, with it's green shoots and yellow flower proving toxic to cattle and horses, yet despite proving lethal if consumed either fresh or wilted, it ...
IAM afraid that Mrs Eileen Eastham, who reported the presence of the poisonous weed, ragwort (LET, August 11) is, to put it politely, "blowing into the wind." One plant less will do little for the ...
I AM very concerned about the ragwort weed which has invaded the land around Rawcliffe Lake. It grows among the trees and in the very long grass which is badly in need of cutting. The ragwort has ...
HORSE OWNERS have been warned to lookout for and remove Ragwort growing in their fields, given the toxic risk it poses to horses. The British Horse Society is raising awareness of the common ...
A concerned member of the British Horse Society (BHS) has brought to our attention the letter from Brian Knight, entitled “Ragwort facts” (Letters, August 9). The BHS is concerned by some of t ...
REGARDING the understandable confusion of Eileen Eastham who asks about ragwort (Letters, August 20), the problem is enough to confuse anyone who is not familiar with what has gone on over the years.
Will Mr Busby disclose the source of any blanket requirement for the control of ragwort, rabbits and verges? I repeat my assertion of last year that when there was an abundance of working horses ...
The names we give these creatures are a testament to humanity’s disgust: pigweed, dogbane, horseweed, sow thistle, stink grass, ragwort, poverty sumpweed. Programmed by evolution to eke out a ...
The heavenly aromas of Viburnum carlessi and French lilacs filling the air set the stage perfectly for April’s first day — ...
It's a vulnerable rarity which can only be found clinging to life in a roadside ditch near a burger van in Cambridgeshire. And fen ragwort is one of many UK plants at risk of extinction unless ...