Scientists have found a type of bacteria enzyme that can strip away blood types and create universal donor blood.
Generally speaking, blood groups are determined by the presence of A and B antigens on red blood cells. Group O types don't ...
In this blood disease, the bone marrow can’t make enough blood cells and platelets for the body to function normally.
Using enzymes produced by a bacteria that almost everyone has in their gut, researchers have removed the antigens from red ...
A blood transfusion helps treat anemia by replacing RBCs to alleviate symptoms and prevent harmful health consequences.
Extreme conditions can be a serious danger to people with sickle cell disease - like Justin Johnson, 16, who died Friday ...
Study found that exoglycosidases from Akkermansia muciniphila effectively target blood group antigens, potentially converting ...
Blood is crucial to healthcare; as the population of the world ages, more medical procedures are being performed and the ...
Health advice can vary across countries and regions. Use discretion or consult a local health professional. RBC stands for red blood cells. Treatment of low RBCs, also known as anemia, depends on the ...
LAS VEGAS, Nev. ( KVVU /Gray News) - A police K-9 was saved after receiving a blood transfusion from a dog blood bank. In ...
The Mattawan community came together for a vital blood drive Wednesday for a boy whose life depends on the ...
A "life-changing" new treatment for people living with sickle cell disease is to be made available on the NHS. Around 4,000 ...