These intriguing results led the authors to propose that PfSUB1 is released from the exoneme into the PV when the schizonts are mature, where it activates the SERA4, 5 and 6 proteases. The SERA ...
Over the following 48-72 h, merozoites differentiate into erythrocytic schizonts, each of which will release 16-32 merozoites into the blood stream, which can, in turn, enter more red blood cells.
The algorithm is being prepared for all four stages of parasite - ring stage, schizonts, trophozoites and gametocytes. These algorithms shall be compared to the microscopy and will be tested for ...
Parasites refer to microscopic unicellular protozoa, multicellular helminths which may reach large dimensions, and arthropods which comprise diverse organisms. All are possible vectors of disease ...