While renovating a home, Jeremy Peterson found hardtack with handwritten notes on it, indicating it came from a Black soldier ...
But the out-of-nowhere happy ending is so jarring it’s nearly criminal. The thieves themselves dismiss the sudden turn of ...
Fans of The Simpsons were left devastated when a longtime character was killed off in the animated series' most recent ...
AS I write this there are tears in my eyes. It can't be helped, because I've just turned the final page of one of the most moving books I'm ever likely to read. Forgive the blubbering honesty. It ...
Julie says staff had a duty to ask the hard questions the day Ethan Crumbley's teacher spotted disturbing scribblings on his paper. Donald Trump stumbles onto the third rail: Social Security ...
The last thing to go was a tiny bundle of letters; innocent little scribblings that Desiree had sent to him during the days of their espousal. There was the remnant of one back in the drawer from ...
If your kids are anything like mine, they produce a tsunami of art. From handprints to scribblings, paintings, glitter-bombed ...
Laraine Dumsday unflinchingly went about the task of translating my scribblings into readable sentences, and did so with rate skill, high good humor, and sound comment. At the University of North ...
Not only do these scribblings capture a creative, synthesizing artistic ambition, they also hint at what’s to come when the curtain rises. Indeed, Act II begins with an homage to Fred Astaire ...
“Being a designer I didn’t know what else to do than to grab pen and paper,” he says. He got some help from his two-year-old son, whose helpful scribblings turned ‘Climate Change Now’ into the more ...
Stick a fork in me, dear readers. I’m done. Parting is such sweet sorrow, but after a decade of writing this column and four times as long (not four times longer) employed by the Daily Herald, I ...