Anastopoulos, C and Hu, B L 2020. Quantum superposition of two gravitational cat states. Classical and Quantum Gravity, Vol. 37, Issue. 23, p. 235012.
Utilizing a mathematical framework designed over 50 years ago to connect semiclassical concepts and quantum superconductivity ...
"Dave knew that I had been trying to generalize the semiclassical Marcus equation for electron-transfer reactions and to find ...
The theory of general relativity does suggest a scientific basis for the possibility of backward time travel in certain unusual scenarios, although arguments from semiclassical gravity suggest that ...
but its International dance day and I had too much fun on stage that day. Also, I know it's semiclassical and not properly classical. It's just what a lot of people asked me that day. So chill." ...
1c has been calculated from the semiclassical dynamics of electrons in the miniband relating such a gain feature to Bloch-oscillations, leading to the name 'Bloch gain'. As the quantum mechanical ...
If one looks for a quantum wave equation that gives Einstein's equations in the semiclassical limit, one immediately finds the Wheeler–DeWitt equation of quantum gravity, as briefly mentioned ...
Maia Neto, P. A. and Reynaud, S. 1993. Dissipative force on a sphere moving in vacuum. Physical Review A, Vol. 47, Issue. 3, p. 1639.
This book represents the first asymptotic analysis, via completely integrable techniques, of the initial value problem for the focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation in the semiclassical asymptotic ...