In the early 16th century, the Renaissance master Michelangelo drew a simple scribble. The pen-and-ink sketch, which is just ...
A simile describes something by comparing it to something else, using like or as. A simile is a useful way to describe something without using a long list of adjectives. It can create a vivid ...
Nearly five-and-a-half minutes into the track, Lamar drops yet another brutal simile in a song full of devastating insults.
Only a signal shown and a distant voice in the darkness." Or, the simile could describe close friends who are each so busy with their own responsibilities they barely get to stop and say hello ...
The scribble by Michelangelo was expected to sell for around $6000 but ended up being bought for more than $200,000.
(To add insult to misogyny, I had to look up what a “small scout hut” looks like – and I’m still unconvinced the simile works ...
The Ministry of Time arrives with a hype that’s intense even for an industry obsessed with debuts. You may glaze over at talk ...
Things to know about the musical “Hair”: It’s a landmark. It’s a cliché. And at 57, may God help it, it’s a year older than I ...
The book, released in 2017 after Green's rocket to fame following books (and adaptations) "The Fault in Our Stars" and "Paper ...
A weary supermarket queue at the height of the pandemic is wryly observed by a speaker who is just as driven by scrappy ...