The opening has information about the short and the short version of the 1995 Pixar logo. The two female characters' breasts were reduced in size. The mermaid on the "Sunny Atlantis" knick-knack is ...
Since the two were young, Elsa and Anna have always been the best of friends and loved each other dearly. The two enjoyed playing together, and Anna loved it when Elsa used her magic to create a ...
Guffy McGovern from the original 1951 "Angels In the Outfield" Knox was a former catcher and manager for the Cincinnati Reds who got traded to Anaheim to manage the California Angels who lead them on ...
Amber is a young girl around eight or nine years of age. She has fair skin, blue-green eyes, long strawberry-blonde hair wrapped in a high ponytail with a turquoise hair tie and wears a turquoise ...
In "Sample", Susan calls a pair of "alien hunters" named Merwin and Dean to deal with Experiment 258 (Sample), who had been captured and brought to the shelter. In "Babyfier", Susan points out to Lilo ...
Antes de la liberación de la película, Disney dijo que sería su última película en su animados características canon usar animación tradicional. Mientras que las películas animadas de Disney se ...
[來源]唐老鴨(Donald Duck)是迪士尼所創的經典動畫人物之一。牠首次出現于華特迪士尼動畫工作室製作的動畫短片《聰明的小母雞》(The Wise Little Hen),官方生日是1934年6月9日(即該片首映日)。