The issue begins with Sulley looking at a new advertisement made by Fungus for the company and its new laugh energy initiatives and Mike hitting the top of the day's Top Scarers list. George accuses ...
When Buck Cluck comes home from picking his son up from detention at school, she is briefly seen in a family photo, while Buck Cluck is saying "Oh, Chloe, if only you were here... you'd know what to ...
Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway (queue in the Disneyland version) ...
The game itself follows the film's storyline loosely. The player can choose the role of one of two Dalmatians: Oddball or Domino, who are out in the backyard looking for treasure. It is not long ...
Source Melvin, Buff, and Max are three living mounted animal heads that hang above the theater exit doors in the Disney theme park attraction Country Bear Jamboree. Melvin is a slow-witted but ...
Close the churches and the schools. It's the day for breaking rules ...
Sykes used his car to drive him and his dogs, Roscoe and DeSoto to Fagin's home so as to collect the money he owes him. After their unfortunate financial meeting, Sykes used his car horn to call his ...
Enrolados Outra Vez: A Série é um artigo destacado, o que significa que tem sido identificado como um dos melhores artigos produzidos pela comunidade da Disney Wiki. Se você vê uma maneira de como ...
[來源]《海底總動員》(英文:Finding Nemo)是一部由皮克斯動畫工作室製作,並於2003年由華特迪士尼發行的美國電腦動畫電影,它是皮克斯和迪士尼合作發行的第五部長篇動畫電影。這部電影的 ...
[來源]《獅子王2:辛巴的榮耀》(The Lion King Ⅱ: Simba's Pride),是迪士尼1998年11月27日以錄影帶首映方式推出的《獅子王》續集電影(中國大陸則於1999年8月上映)。美國在首次發行DVD後,於2004年 ...
L'article que vous consultez fait partie des meilleures pages du Disney Wiki. Si vous souhaitez l'améliorer en le mettant à jour ou en le complétant, veillez à ne pas compromettre le contenu ...
飞哥与小佛(英语:Phineas and Ferb)是迪士尼频道的动画。本作除了异想天开的剧情,还以大量的音乐穿插在其中为特色。创作者丹·波文迈尔和杰夫·‘小泽’·马许一起在尼克国际儿童频道系列 ...