Una noche, Campanilla y Peter Pan visitan Londres, ya que accidentalmente Peter Pan dejó su sombra allí durante una de sus anteriores visitas. Usando su luz, Campanilla ve que la sombra de Peter Pan ...
The game itself follows the film's storyline loosely. The player can choose the role of one of two Dalmatians: Oddball or Domino, who are out in the backyard looking for treasure. It is not long ...
“You know, it's funny how wrong an artist can be about his own work. Now, the one composition of Tchaikovsky's that he really detested was his Nutcracker Suite, which is probably the most popular ...
Paolo Valisari is the main antagonist of Disney's 2003 feature film, The Lizzie McGuire Movie. He is a handsome and famous Italian pop star who secretly plots to use Lizzie McGuire to humiliate his ...
Lana lives up to the mean queen bee stereotype: being shallow, spoiled, and a constant bully to anyone not popular. She at first has no interest in Mia and only finds slight amusement in making fun of ...
Tokyo Disneyland (東京ディズニーランド Tōkyō Dizunīrando) is a 115-acre (46.5 ha) theme park at the Tokyo Disney Resort located in Urayasu, Chiba, Japan, near Tokyo. Its main gate is directly adjacent to both ...
"El País de Nunca Jamás" redirige aquí. Para otros usos, véase: El País de Nunca Jamás (desambiguación).
[来源]《海底总动员》(英文:Finding Nemo)是一部由皮克斯动画工作室制作,并于2003年由华特迪士尼发行的美国电脑动画电影,它是皮克斯和迪士尼合作发行的第五部长篇动画电影。这部电影的 ...
[來源]《海底總動員》(英文:Finding Nemo)是一部由皮克斯動畫工作室製作,並於2003年由華特迪士尼發行的美國電腦動畫電影,它是皮克斯和迪士尼合作發行的第五部長篇動畫電影。這部電影的 ...
[來源]《星银岛》(英语:Treasure Planet)是一部由华特迪士尼制作並于2002年首次上映的电脑动画电影。它的上映日期是2002年11月27日,为第43部华特迪士尼经典动画长片。电影的故事主要改编自 ...
动画利齐是剧中一个动画形象。它代表了主人公利齐的内心想法,向观众直接传递利齐的思想方式。本剧并不是第一个使用这种动画方式来表现真人表演的角色的内心想法的电视剧,之前一部 ...
Simba è il leone protagonista dei film. Figlio di Mufasa e Sarabi, nipote di Scar e marito di Nala, è il legittimo erede al trono della Terra del branco. Alla fine diventa inoltre padre di Kiara, che ...