It is a common hack to stretch a balloon out to make it easier to inflate. When the balloon stretches, the width crosswise ...
Glowing Bipolar Bubble From Dying Star Expands Into Space In celebration of the 34th anniversary of the launch of NASA's ...
Quantum cryptography enables secure communication over large distances. How can we guarantee that data sent over the internet ...
Scientists champion global genomic surveillance using the latest technologies and a ‘One Health’ approach to protect against ...
The initial step in the search for extraterrestrial life involves identifying the presence of liquid water. The moons of ...
MIT spinout Strand Therapeutics has developed a new class of mRNA molecules that can sense where they are in the body, for ...
University at Buffalo researchers have decoded Arabica coffee's genome, tracing its origins back over 600,000 years and ...
New research indicates that toxic chemicals added to plastic materials for flame resistance can enter the body through the ...
The enormous ichthyosaur could have reached lengths exceeding 80 feet (25 meters) and existed during the Late Triassic period ...
A surprise appearance of a new comet made the April 8th total solar eclipse all the more memorable. Any dedicated ‘umbraphile ...
Neotame, a new artificial sweetener, harms gut health by damaging bacteria and epithelial cells, raising risks for diseases ...
A powerful volcanic eruption lofted ash high into the atmosphere and spread tephra and other volcanic debris across the small ...