Two studies of California bird populations show how shifting environments can rewrite animals’ genomes — for better or worse.
The captive predator industry threatens the welfare of thousands of big cats kept for hunting, and commercial trade of their ...
To bring more water to the landscape — and fight the growing risk of catastrophic wildfires — a Tribe in California helps to ...
With a habitat of just 2-3 acres, the entire Hendrix’s liveforever species could be wiped out by a single tractor.
Stephanie Klarmann is a Conservation Psychology researcher based in South Africa. Her work has focused primarily on ...
Its growth driven to epic levels by climate change and fertilizer runoff, sargassum puts dozens of species — and people — at risk.
Ashley Braun is an award-winning science and environmental journalist based in Seattle, Washington. Her writing has appeared ...
Its growth driven to epic levels by climate change and fertilizer runoff, sargassum puts dozens of species — and people — at risk.