One country lauded by Stiell and widely recognized as a leader in designing and implementing adaptation plans is the NAP Expo ...
A positive example of what is possible in terms of harnessing data to enhance resilience is the UN’s Early Warnings for All ...
As governments prepare their third generation of national climate action plans (Nationally Determined Contributions, or NDCs) ...
UN Climate Change announced today that the global Art Charter for Climate Action (ACCA) will join its efforts to unite the arts and entertainment sectors in transformative climate action. The ...
Guyana has become the second country, after Andorra, and the first Small Island Developing State to submit a Biennial Transparency Report (BTR) assessing progress under the Paris Agreement. Guyana’s ...
Long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies (LT-LEDS) ...
UNFCCC. Regional Collaboration Centre St. George's, NDC Partnership (NDCP) The Paris Agreement requires all Parties to prepare, communicate and maintain successive Nationally Determined Contributions ...
This document provides information on the preliminary scenario for the organization of the November 2024 sessions of the governing bodies, including possible elements of the provisional agendas; ...
The secretariat’s 2023 annual report has been prepared in response to the mandate contained in decision 21/CP.23, paragraph 18. It provides an overview of the secretariat’s activities, key ...
This is an advance distribution version of the document. The official English version with identical content and the translations into the other official United Nations languages will be made ...
UN Climate Change News, 24 April 2024 - Climate experts meeting in Bangladesh have called for a step change in the way adaptation to climate change is dealt with in terms of planning at national level ...