The Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue releases a message for the feast marking the birth, enlightenment, and passing of ...
A group of university students had gathered to pray in the home of a Catholic family but were forced to stop by armed men.
Qatabi's conviction for seeking an end to male guardianship is just the latest of a long list. A man who denounced corruption ...
Families begin Rafah evacuation while Gaza ceasefire talks remain stalled; Pakistani farmers announce a march against falling ...
More than five million seek employment over the age of 60 to survive. Those in the less developed regions in the north, east ...
Nepal has decided to print on its 100 rupee banknotes a map of the country that includes disputed territories with India. The Indian Foreign Minister immediately expressed his disapproval. A working g ...
On the border between Kazakhstan and Beijing, instead of camels and flocks, there are rows of increasingly imposing trucks loaded with new vehicles for the Asian and Russian markets. Among the Kazakhs ...
Il messaggio del dicastero per il Dialogo interreligioso per la festività che ricorda la nascita, l'illuminazione e la ...
Un gruppo di universitari si erano radunati per pregare nell'abitazione di una famiglia cattolica ma sono stati costretti a ...
La condanna di Manahel al-Qatabi per aver invocato la fine della tutela maschile è solo l’ultimo esempio di una lunga serie.
Oltre cinque milioni quelli in cerca di impiego oltre i 60 anni per sopravvivere. I più in difficoltà quelli delle regioni a ...