Please note: Suicide is discussed in the content below. Reader discretion is advised. In her insightful review of the documentary Roadrunner, author Jessica Lynn eloquently captures the shock and ...
Bipolar disorder can follow a seasonal pattern, with summer often triggering mania or hypomania. Fortunately, there are strategies to help prevent these mood shifts. If you’re one of the many whose ...
Anxiety disorder is common among those with bipolar. Although the combination of the two can be complicated, there are treatments that can benefit both conditions. A certain amount of anxiety is a ...
Bipolar disorder can follow a seasonal pattern, with summer often triggering mania or hypomania. Fortunately, there are strategies to help prevent these mood shifts. If you’re one of the many whose ...
When you have bipolar disorder, adhering to a sleep schedule is crucial since sleep can greatly affect your mood. Additionally, when you’re in a depressed state, you may sleep too much; in a manic ...
SAD (seasonal affective disorder) makes us think of wintertime depressions, but some people with bipolar disorder experience seasonal depression in the spring and summer months. Individuals with ...
Gaining insight into your triggers and treatment strategies to manage mood swings takes patience and dedication, but it can payoff by helping you achieve stability. There is a term that is used in the ...
I Seem to Get Manic Every Summer — Why? The coming of spring and summer reenergizes all the senses. The warm sun, the beauty of nature, the smell of flowers, the sound of a soft breeze through the ...
A while back, I received a phone call from someone who wanted to check in on the state of my thoughts. I was having a trying mental health day, and I had phoned this person earlier requesting some ...
Our award-winning bpHope Blog is a collection of posts written with heartfelt honesty by a group of bloggers from around the world, with each providing their own unique perspectives on living with ...
For people with bipolar disorder, learning to be alone before you can really succeed can be dangerous if taken out of context. I used to think that being alone was a strength. I grew up with the very ...
Are you lonely? I often am. One thing I’ve learned about loneliness is that it’s easy to get confused about “bipolar” loneliness versus “real-life” loneliness. Whenever I find myself starting to think ...