Just as water moves through a river, rivers themselves move across the landscape. They carve valleys and canyons, create ...
A research paper published today in Science Advances reveals a direct correlation between plastic production and plastic ...
A groundbreaking study published in the journal Nature Communications, researchers at the University of Florida, Pennsylvania ...
The single-celled organism Naegleria fowleri ranks among the deadliest human parasites. Researchers around Matthias Horn and ...
As wildfires in Siberia become more common, global climate modeling estimates significant impacts on climate, air quality, ...
To improve chemotherapy dosing, MIT engineers designed CLAUDIA, a way to continuously measure how much drug is in a patient’s system during hours-long infusion.
Opioid use during pregnancy is not associated with a substantial increase in the risk of neuropsychiatric disorders such as ADHD in children, finds a large study from South Korea published by The BMJ ...
New research from the University of Notre Dame finds that gender discrimination in startup financing is magnified in societies with greater women’s empowerment.
COLUMBUS, Ohio – Conditions such as diabetes, heart attack and vascular diseases commonly diagnosed in people with spinal cord injuries can be traced to abnormal post-injury neuronal activity that ...
The seventh cohort of the interdisciplinary program, an initiative of Schmidt Sciences, will advance research in areas ranging from healthcare and the environment to advanced materials and robotics  ...
Countries with limited potential for renewables could save up to 20 percent of costs for green steel and up to 40 percent for green chemicals from green hydrogen if they relocated their ...
Researchers at Princeton and Meta have created a tiny optical device that makes holographic images larger and clearer. Small enough to fit on a pair of eyeglasses, the device could enable a new kind ...