Nashville Mayor Freddie O'Connell wants voters to approve a half-cent sales tax to fund transit-service improvements and ...
The three-term lieutenant governor has already become one of the most powerful and successful policymakers in Texas history.
Organic waste in landfills is a major source of methane emissions. Orange County, Calif., is making progress in diverting it.
The court is considering whether criminal penalties for sleeping in public places amount to cruel and unusual punishment. But ...
After a February special legislative session gave gun-rights groups sweeping wins, bills to expand firearm-free zones have stalled. Expansion of the zones seems unlikely this year.
The Supreme Court seems likely to curtail federal agencies’ interpretations of laws passed by Congress, but Washington ...
Research shows that traditional defined-benefit retirement plans aren’t a path to improved recruitment or retention. When it ...
While they enjoy today’s high tide in the money markets, state and local treasurers should also promote the case for expanded ...
A lot of communities are experimenting with this costly, ineffective approach to fighting poverty that disincentivizes work.
The state estimates it will have between $300 and $400 million of American Rescue Plan Act funding still available for use. The problem will be figuring out how to prioritize which programs get money.
The Walmart grocery in Atlanta’s Vine City neighborhood. It closed two years ago following arsons at two of the company’s ...
As several states propose child marriage bans, Missouri state Sen. Holly Thompson Rehder hopes that she can use her ...