Hey, so, uh … if you haven’t booked a hotel for PAX Aus in October yet, now might be a good time to do that. Why, you ask?
Phil Spencer's Fallout 76 camp is being nuked. Nukings of Phil Spencer's camp will continue until morale improves.
It's been a huge week for massive video game publishers making absolutely boneheaded decisions. Let's take a moment to recap ...
Xbox’s decision to shut down multiple studios this week has me worried we’re witnessing a mass extinction of diverse and ...
There is no reason in the world for the boys and girls of Hades 2 to be this pretty, but here we are. Let us gather and look ...
An ultra rare prototype Super Nintendo Entertainment System with features that never made it to the final system is going ...
WB Games has confirmed that Mark Hamill will once again play The Joker in MultiVersus, but it seems he recorded his lines ...
Crow Country is a throwback to old-school tank-controls survival horror that recaptures the vibe in fits and spurts.
Despite being howled down every time it's tried it on, EA still really, really REALLY wants to use its games as advertising ...
A fun new Twitter trend has indie devs spotlighting their games with the major titles that originally inspired them.
What links all of the games that Smith and his recurring colleagues have worked on is the nebulous title of “immersive sims.” ...
Game Pass feels increasingly at odds with the business needs of a giant company like Xbox. If its successes can't save ...