Por años Taiwán fue el rey en la industria de los semiconductores a nivel mundial. México podría tomar el sitio en occidente.
Customers will soon be able to use the Instacart app to place orders with Uber Eats, a move likely to drive more business to Uber while allowing Instacart to collect a fee for every order.
Housing shortages are blunting the economic benefits of immigration in Canada and other developed countries around the world, Bloomberg reports.
La bataille des burgers à 5 euros, la nouvelle rentabilité de Vinted, l'échec des magasins autonomes... Autant d'actualités du commerce repérées et décryptée dans la Conso en bref.
Customers will soon be able to use the Instacart app to place orders with Uber Eats, a move likely to drive more business to Uber while allowing Instacart to collect a fee for every order.
Confira na nova edição do estudo FInfluence, da Anbima, os influenciadores e os assuntos que lideram os rankings para criação de conteúdos sobre investimentos e finanças pessoais nas redes sociais.
Die politische Polarisierung mancher politischer Spektren ist eine Gefahr für den Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland. Denn diese könnte Investor:innen und Fachkräfte abschrecken.
O Itaú Unibanco, maior banco do país, teve lucro líquido de R$ 9,8 bilhões no 1º trimestre deste ano, 16% mais que um ano antes, superando ganhos reportados por Bradesco e Santander. Confira análises.
The Switch has sold more than 141 million units since its 2017 release, but lost "significant ground" to Sony's PlayStation 5 last year, per Bloomberg.
Cambridge University unveils plan to boost research commercialisation and support academic-led start-ups with more attractive terms. Read more.
Eine neue Studie zeigt, wie viele Menschen 2023 aus dem Bürgergeld in den Arbeitsmarkt zurückgekehrt sind. Die Zahl ist so niedrig wie zuletzt vor sechs Jahren.
Wayve said it would use the funding to develop its artificial intelligence systems, in the largest ever venture investment in an EU AI startup.