Far-right media figures are promoting the purported health benefits of raw, unpasteurized milk even though the Food and Drug ...
Well, that's interesting. Remember who Stormy's lawyer was, right, mister producer? Michael Avenatti. This is in the National Pulse. The attorney who once represented Stormy Daniels in lawsuits ...
And you know, here's the thing, we all know that this case should be dismissed, but I don't think he can given that his daughter, you know, works in Democratic politics. If that happens, she will be ...
Joining us now is Dennis Prager, radio host, founder of Prager U, one of my absolute favorite people in America. Dennis, you do such a great job every day. I'm so excited to talk to you. What about ...
The Washington Post fearmongered about the latest projections reported by the Social Security and Medicare trust funds, declaring in its headline “Social Security and Medicare finances look grim as ...