Investcorp, a Bahrain-based alternative investment fund, said on Wednesday that it launched a $1bn “Investcorp Golden Horizon ...
Students say the wall is the latest symbol of a widespread crackdown against free speech and the right to protest at US ...
Community activist Omar Assaf was among those released in recent days. Assaf, 74, was arrested on 24 October after his house ...
An independent US task force has informed the Biden administration there is “compelling and credible evidence” that Israel’s ...
UK Lawyers for Israel claims that Hamas itself puts death toll at 21,000 during meeting on UK arms exports to Israel ...
Germany has terminated the contracts of a Berlin-based women's centre, citing pro-Palestine solidarity among its members and ...
Land operation appears imminent according to Israeli media, as tents to displace Palestinians once again erected in southern ...
La situation des droits de l’homme en France a continué en 2023 son « érosion », dénonce mercredi 24 avril ...
French police summoned the leading left-wing MP Mathilde Panot for an investigation into an alleged “apology for terrorism” ...
Washington envisage de blacklister une unité de l’armée israélienne en raison d’allégations d’exactions contre des ...
A new version of the Middle Eastern classic 'One Thousand and One Nights' caught the attention of our critic, as did an ...
The real factor undermining the global standing of the US is not the alleged actions of certain autocracies, but mostly ...