People from far and wide make their way to the extremely popular teamLab Borderless when visiting Tokyo to enjoy the novelty ...
If you want to branch out your Japan travels beyond Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka, then try Nagoya, the country's fourth-largest city! The capital of Aichi Prefecture has a distinctive food culture and a ...
Sushi is one of Japan’s most famous dishes. Though many travel to the country in the hope of experiencing authentic sushi firsthand, with so many different types of sushi and restaurants available, ...
With matcha becoming a popular drink worldwide, there are likely fewer people who haven’t heard of the powdered tea. But have you ever tried it in one of its purest forms at a Japanese tea ceremony?
Do They Celebrate Halloween in Japan? While a big deal in North America and other countries, Halloween is only just taking off in Japan. Naturally pairing with a love of cosplay, seasonal festivities, ...
With around 800,000 daily passengers, the JR Yamanote Line is one of the busiest trains in all of Japan. Serving the capital since 1885, it has grown into a total of 29 stations with access to much of ...
GATE STAY Premium Ginza Shintomicho is a minute’s walk from Shintomicho Station and 5 minutes from Tsukiji Station. It’s also just a 12-minute walk to the Tsukiji Outer Market, letting you get there ...
This predominantly mountainous prefecture sits at the southern tip of Honshu, the main island of Japan. It covers a long and thin area going from north to south, resulting in varying climates between ...
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前往日本觀光時,不論走到哪裡,是不是常能發現各種貼心又具巧思的好設計呢?有些聰明的包裝設計,令人打從心裡讚嘆日本人的研發能力。以下為您介紹多種日本生活裡的貼心包裝,一眼就 ...
仙貝是一種重量輕盈的伴手禮,不論自己品嚐或帶回台灣贈送親友,都是很不錯又無負擔的好選擇。不過在日本處處充滿著種類繁多令人眼花撩亂的仙貝商品,不知道該如何挑選?這篇文章將帶 ...
位於東京都南方的神奈川縣,是處擁有美麗海岸以及歷史建築物的知名觀光區。「鎌倉」除了有許多600年前製造的文化財外,在神奈川縣岸的外島小島「江之島」,更是因其夢幻的島上景致受到 ...