The emergence in the Neolithic of patrilineal social systems, in which children are affiliated with their father's lineage, ...
Many millennials prioritize social impact and sustainability in their investment decisions, so offering philanthropic ...
One thing is clear: social change leaders are suffering. In some nonprofit organizations, board members volunteer their time ...
As we celebrate their achievements, we acknowledge the transformative power of entrepreneurship to drive meaningful change.
Rather, they must be prepared to actively generate demand for social change. Nonprofits must learn some of the same demand-generation techniques that for-profits have been honing for decades. Learning ...
This wave of protests highlights the enduring clash between student activism and concerns about campus safety and order.
Her journey first began as a little girl. For CSUN lecturer Denice Labertew, advocacy for social change has always been a ...
As Earth Month 2024 gets underway, climate activists around the world are planning rallies and other events over the coming weeks to draw attention to the growing threats posed by climate change.
Mixed martial arts fighter Chris “Coco” Cocores and his coach/mentor Ryan Wallace, are on a mission to inspire and leave a ...
Ever since Sarah Wright and I started researching loneliness together about ten years ago, I have asked participants at my leadership conferences “Who here feels lonely sometimes?” at the ...